Monday, January 31, 2011

Studios Magazine - published!

I just got the news from the editor of Studios magazine that the spring issue goes live on their website this Thursday for pre-order. You may have seen my previous post about putting yourself out there and going for your dreams. Well, my cozy studio will be featured in the magazine! Hooray! I was so happy in November when they gave me the call back to submit professional photos, so I went for it. I called up a highly skilled photographer and here we have it. Success! Thank you Lori! Fabulous job! I am so thrilled and I can't wait to see how they've chosen to use my space saving tips and photos. Here is a snapshot of me and my pup Oliver hanging out in studio.

This calls for a toast. Cheers! You must put it out there if you want to succeed.


  1. Congratulations ... you are right, a journey starts with one step.
    Great studio and cute 'lab assistant'!
