As a member of my local quilting guild, I am now the Coordinator of a program called ABC Quilts. I was so inspired by Vivian who has been running it for over 20 years that I offered to take it over when she was done. I know it will be a lot of work. I view this new challenge as something that is bigger than me but it just suits me perfectly. I have my own line of baby blankets that I sell on my website. They were inspired by my great grandmother who made blankets for me and my brother which I still cherish. I have always wanted to do that in a big enough way that part of the proceeds would go to charity. Now that I am running the ABC Quilts, I am able to be a part of something that I really believe in and that is to provide comfort for those in need. This is a photo of my son about 5 years ago wrapped in the baby blanket that my great grandmother made for me. It's pretty much my favorite picture on earth.
Meme would like it too...Love Dad