Monday, July 8, 2013

The RSS feed is in!

Hey everyone,

The RSS feed for the all new Canadian Quilt Talk podcast is in place. You can now subscribe through iTunes (still awaiting moderation for Blackberry). And don't fret if you don't have any of those fandangled iPhones, iPads or Blackberry devices! You can open up an iTunes account on your computer to subscribe or even simpler - just type in your email on the right where it says FOLLOW THIS BLOG BY EMAIL and you'll be able to click on the link to listen each week.

Every Tuesday I'll be posting about what's coming up for the Thursday podcast and every Thursday I'll post the podcast for everyone to hear. Stay tuned this week when we talk with Marlene Starkman of Flare Fabrics. What quilter doesn't want to talk about fabric?

Here's the link if you'd like to subscribe through  iTunes.


  1. a fellow Canuck I am delighted to have subscribed on ITunes....Thanks for taking the plunge.

  2. Looking forward to Thursday!
