Thursday, July 18, 2013

Episode 003 Canadian Quilt Talk - Public Perspective

Canadian Quilt Talk - in this episode we'll consider the public perspective of quilting and fibre art, with a heartwrming story of how one woman started quilting and Brandy Lynn's 6 steps to bringing quilting back to the forefront in your local community. 

Check out this episode!


  1. where do you have your podcast hosted... I would prefer to download direct from your host site rather than iTunes. Can you add a link to your blog site.

    Thank you


  2. Great interviews, I love the spontaneous reactions! We do need to get quilting into the conversations. Hope you were giving out your business cards with information about Canada Talks, FAN, CQA/ACC and your quilt business.

  3. Enjoyed the podcast and especially the interviews. Thanks Brandy Lynn! :)
